Host and Domain Names for User Groups

A policy on use of * and plone.?? names for Plone user groups

Plone user associations for countries should ideally obtain the plone.?? domain name for their country. The Plone Foundation would prefer to be the holder for the domain name if it's legally feasible. Please consult the Plone Foundation, which owns the Plone trademark in many countries, any time you are obtaining a "*plone*" domain name.

If a representative domain name for a country, region or linguistic group is unavailable, the Plone Foundation is willing to provide an *.

hostname, with the first portion being the country, region or language. Plone user associations needing this service should apply to the Plone Foundation by emailing the PF Board. Granting such a hostname will be at the choice of the board, and may be discontinued at any time. Applying groups should be ready to demonstrate to the board that they are an open and inclusive user group for their area.

Adopted 21 November, 2012