Plone Midsummer Sprint 2023 Recap
On June 26-30, Plone Midsummer 2023 Sprint was held in Jyväskylä, Finland.

Plone Midsummer Sprint 2023 Recap

On June 26-30, 2023 long-time Plone users at the University of Jyväskylä organized the second ever Plone Midsummer Sprint in Jyväskylä, Finland!

We had 10 participants from four different countries, 2 of which were newbies to Plone.

Sprint Results

Here are some highlights of the sprint results:

Hyperautomation with Plone

We successfully shared our experiences with Camunda and showcased our open-source work on integrating Camunda with Plone. The participants showed great interest in learning this technology, which allowed us to strengthen the community surrounding the topic. We believe that these efforts will have long-term benefits and contribute to the growth and development of the Plone ecosystem.

Playwright acceptance tests for Plone

We successfully introduced Playwright as an alternative option for writing acceptance tests for both Plone and its add-ons, alongside the existing Selenium-based tests. Both options are based on the Robot Framework, with abstractions and integrations implemented and maintained by the Robot Framework community. The migration of aging Selenium tests to Playwright will not only accelerate the execution of Plone acceptance tests but also enhance their robustness. Moreover, Playwright will simplify the process of writing new tests, providing a more streamlined experience.

Additionally, we accomplished the configuration of the Robot Framework Language Server extensions for VSCode to enable running and debugging Robot Framework tests specifically tailored for Plone. This configuration will significantly aid in debugging failing tests and, most importantly, enhance the overall experience of writing new tests, making it a more pleasant and efficient process.

Enterprice enhancements - Plone SCIM

SSO and provisioning users via SCIM is an important enterprise requirement for any system. Let’s make Plone more suitable for enterprise environments by supporting OpenID Connect and SCIM as well as possible. OIDC and SCIM are usually managed with Azure AD. Would it be great if Plone would be an Enterprise Application inside Azure AD where you could just add and edit the URL and credentials and define which groups and users you wish to provision to Plone.

Here is the result of this:

Plone 6 installation and documentation

Two new developers learned how to install and develop for Plone on their local machines, using documentation:

This resulted in a list of useful documentation improvement suggestions

Some other highlights:

  • Demoing next gen video sharing portal using Plone 6 (University of Jyväskylä)
  • Plone Meta:
  • Discussions and idea sharing


We were blessed with beautiful weather, and enjoyed a few meals outside. Also we visited the Finnish Airforce Museum at Tikkakoski and, of course a sauna-restaurant, along with the opportunity to swim in a lake in Jyväskylä.

Thank you everyone for participating!